
Interchangeable Character Pride Flag Enamel Pins

Created by Chunky Tomato

Combine any character with any Pride Flag or Pride Heart or wear alone! With Steven Universe, She-Ra, Korra, The Owl House and more!

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Small clarification about Pride Flags/Hearts!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 01:12:01 PM

Hi y'all! Popping in to clarify some points that people are having trouble with!

 1. The Pride Flags and Hearts are regular enamel pins with posts, just with embedded magnets in the back. 

They have two posts like regular pins do with backings. They are called magnetic because they do have magnets embedded in the back, but they still have posts. They can be worn alone or with a character! That means by themselves, they can function as pins.

The magnetic characters do not have posts - they have a flat back with embedded magnets. That means that by themselves, they do not function as pins. However, they are meant to sit on top of the flags/hearts, which means that they can be worn as a pin if combined with a pride flag/heart!

 2. The magnetic characters are meant to be combined with the flags and hearts and worn like a regular enamel pin! They are not only magnets! 

I've seen some concerns that the magnetic characters are just magnets and are not for pin collectors, but this is not true! They're just meant to be a create-your-own pin (although you can use the magnets alone for your fridge I suppose)! So you can mix-and-match any parts you want - switch up the character/flag/heart however you like. You just put the magnetic character (no posts) on top of the flag/heart (two posts) and then you can pin it anywhere you like - on a board, on a bag, on a jacket, etc.

I hope that explains it a bit better! :) If you have any questions, please comment below! I recommend also reading through the "How the Pins Work" section on the campaign page as it contains the same information! Once I have a physical sample of how this works, I will post a video so people can understand more clearly! Thanks again!

Surveys are sending today! Backerkit instructions!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 12:21:59 PM

Hi y'all! So as you may have read in the last update, I've made the decision to send out surveys first before the art is finished so that people can take their time filling them out! Please reference my last update for more info if you haven't already! In the meantime, here is a Backerkit help guide!

1. How Backerkit works

Link to survey page:

Backerkit help link:

Each of you will receive an email that will link to your personal survey - you will be able to enter your email address and proceed to fill it out. This is only the intro page - there are multiple steps to the survey that include choosing your pins, choosing your add-ons, and confirming everything.

Step 1: Answering Survey Questions

The first step it will take you to will ask you to choose which pins you want as part of your tier! It's one question at a time, and you can choose as many duplicates as you'd like. This part will finish with a confirmation question.

Step 2: Kickstarter Add-Ons

If you added on during the campaign, you will be directed to select which pins you want for your add on. This should be true for most tiers with add-ons, but some people may find this missing. If that's the case, you will be able to select them in the add on store for no extra charge so please move on to the next step! 

Step 3: The Add-on Store

You're able to add any pin from the campaign to your pledge through the add-on page! In addition to that, you are able to shop the listed items from my store (note that my store items have state tax)! I have also added stickers for the campaign if you'd like to add those as well. Early bird backers will continue to get early bird deals/prices. 

Once again, if you have credit left over from your Kickstarter add-ons not being in the cart, please select them during this stage!

3. Shipping Address

Enter your shipping address on this page! I will be keeping the surveys unlocked until a month before shipping, so if you need to make changes to your address at any point, please go to the survey page to do so!

4. Confirmation/Payment

This is the last step - if you added anything on, enter payment information here. Cards will not be charged until orders are locked, so you have a good amount of time to consider your choices, especially if you are waiting on the art!

And you're done! If you have any questions/concerns, or spot any mistakes, please let me know below! Backerkit can also provide support if it's technical questions! Just click on "need help?" in the upper right hand corner! 

As always, have an amazing day and thank you!!

Medium update before a big update!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 08:29:01 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Timeline update and check in!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 10:52:40 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Quick COVID update!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 02:21:01 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.