Quick update! 3/4ths of the way through!
4 months ago
– Sat, Nov 02, 2024 at 11:09:38 PM
As the title says, we've got about a fourth to go in terms of shipping! I know there have been concerns with the pace but we've been slowly working through them, and have gotten through a decent portion. Most of the orders that are left are the ones with the items currently in sampling or production. I've finished the last of the art and everything is now in motion with manu. Hoping to have photos of everything by this* month or so! I will update with the images of the art after this weekend.
Slight edit, I meant we should have sample photos by the end of November, not December!
Quick update: charges for add-ons now being processed
7 months ago
– Wed, Aug 07, 2024 at 08:59:52 PM
Hello! I am now processing add-on charges through Backerkit! If your order has been locked and your card has been charged, your order is in the process of being shipped, so if you receive a notice in the next few weeks, please know that's what's happening!
Shipping update! Addressing any concerns!
9 months ago
– Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 04:16:59 PM
Hi there! It's been a little so I want to come back and address anything in case people are worried! I've been deep in preparing for Anime Expo and conventions so I have been remiss in communicating! For context, as previously stated, some packages have gone out, but the majority are still in queue.
First off, all remaining packages will go out in July or August for certain. I just received a big shipment from the manu and I have recruited help to get everything sent out. I should be able to put the remaining designs into production very soon - as I mentioned, I overshot my budget for this project and ended up dipping into non kickstarter funds to get these made. As a result, I've had to space out production a little bit so that it can be easier on my finances, which I don't really love to talk about. Doing shows and paying for everything has been a little difficult, but we are almost at the finish line!
I do not have any conventions until September and I am closing my shop until I can get the pledges out to everyone! I guarantee I'm committed to getting these out. I had a lot of shows at the beginning of the year but I will be using this time to see this project till it's conclusion.
Thank you so much for your patience and I understand everyone's frustration with the wait time. I'm sorry this has taken so long and that life has been so hectic on my end with little communication. I acknowledge my fault in this and I hope I can make it up to you guys.
Card charging will occur after Anime Expo ends as that is when I will start shipping again in earnest. Please make sure all info is updated!
As always, feel free to comment below with questions!