
Interchangeable Character Pride Flag Enamel Pins

Created by Chunky Tomato

Combine any character with any Pride Flag or Pride Heart or wear alone! With Steven Universe, She-Ra, Korra, The Owl House and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick update before a longer update!
12 months ago – Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 03:37:13 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

First sample photos are in! Notes and changes for designs!
about 1 year ago – Tue, May 23, 2023 at 04:58:06 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Small update on production! Locking addresses/cards!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 02:18:11 PM

Hello all! I've been busy with conventions but I wanted to give an update for how everything is coming! Right now the first pins are set to come in towards the end of the month, barring any miscolorations or changes! I will have also have photos around that time. They will also ship to me and I will be able to start sending out orders. Addresses will be locked and cards charged in May. Currently, what's fully in production is:

  • Flags
  • Hearts
  • Steven
  • Pearl
  • Garnet
  • Amethyst
  • Lapis
  • Peridot
  • Harley
  • Ivy
  • Loki
  • Marceline
  • Bubblegum
  • Luz
  • Amity
  • Adora
  • Catra

The next batch of revisions that I'm currently working on is:

  • Stevonnie
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Rose
  • Korra
  • Asami
  • Michiru
  • Haruka
  • Vi
  • Cait
  • Utena
  • Anthy
  • Eda
  • Raine
  • Star
  • Wangji/Wuxian

Once I have completed the revisions for these I will send them off in a batch as it's easier on my manu this way! They will be finished by next week.

The next artwork to be posted will be Madoka/Homura and Sakura/Tomoyo, as they are nearly finished. I am having issues with Blackbeard specifically as I cannot figure out how I will be doing the coloration in his beard, so I may need a few opinions on that in the future. 

I will also be fulfilling these myself as I can no longer afford to do otherwise, unfortunately! So I will be shipping out whatever comes in first. Thank you all for bearing with me through the process! I know it's been a long while but I appreciate your patience!

Final Art for Star Butterfly and MDZS!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 12:35:55 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Another small update regarding refunds!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 02:49:05 PM

One more thing I want to add is that if you are unhappy with the timeline and prefer not to wait, please know I am absolutely fine with refunding your pledge at any time! I’m not trying to take anyone’s money with no product so if you would prefer to have your money back instead of tied up in a long term project I absolutely understand! Just let me know by DM and I can take care of it right away.

I’m aware that the timeline is not at all what has been expected, and it is completely okay to ask for a refund if that’s what you want. This will always be true during the production process!

I know I’ve taken a long time and it’s difficult to manage everything at once. I try not to talk about my personal issues in detail because I don’t want to seem like I’m asking for sympathy and it’s extremely embarrassing. But it’s been a difficult few years and I’m really hoping leaving an abusive work environment will enable me to make things again. Whether it’s my job running me into the ground or having to find a way to support my family now that I don’t have a job or my anxiety and burnout stopping me in my tracks, there have been a lot of obstacles over the past few months that I can only ask you to understand. And if you don’t, that’s totally okay. I know that I’ve severely underestimated the amount of time I need to work on this, especially with the large amount of designs, so if you do in fact want a refund, I am happy to provide!

Please rest assured that I would never ever take any money with no intention to deliver. Contact me anytime if a refund is what you prefer! Thank you as always for your understanding! I will post another update with some final art later this week!